Holiday is finally over. All little kids are back to school. I bet lots of parents are glad in a way that the routine is back and start to find some peace while no children are fighting for video game remote controls or TV channels... Anyway, I got some time to paint this penguin ACEO in the morning before picking up my JK boy~ It's purely watercolor and with some experiments on the background textures.
(*And finally got some time to work on the Wii Fitness program. My arms are pooped!*)
I love penguins! They are the cutest animals on earth! Too bad that the scientist saying that they may get extincted in the future due to the severe weather change in south pole. Maybe one day they will become like Panda - Zoo Animals only... Kind of sad the know the fact about the endangered animals that they cannot survive through the environment they were born into. What should we do in daily life to change the fate of these animals?