Sunday, 18 April 2010

24 hours a day is not enough...

It will be nice to have more thank 24 hours a day... 6-8 hours sleep, 8 hours day work, 1 hour travel back and forth to work, 2-3 hours for eating/showering/watching some TV, 3 hours to get my kids all shower/bath/feed, 2-3 hours for my art porject.... I really need more than 24 hours... XD

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Easter gone so fast...

Time flies so fast. Every time there is a long weekend coming, the days are gone before I even noticed it. Life is really short. Got to catch up with the planned schedules. I'd already sketched the Winter Lady in pencil. Just need to color it then I'm done with the 4 season fairies. And then I got to work on Pam's project. Hopefully I'll get all sketches done and approved by the end of the April.... *am I dreaming?* Just have to stick with my plan and work work work!!! Focus and concentrate...