Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Love the Sunset

I always love the beautiful sunset, and was fascinated by its lovely colour. No matter it's by the waterside or at the farmland, the colour of the sunset is just wonderful! That's why I always love to paint sunset scene, cannot resist the beauty of it. Enjoy~~~

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Hiding from the Rain

 I was experimenting on the composition of the painting and came out with this lovely idea with the little fairy hiding from the spring rainfall under the big red mushroom (poisonous?) and then the snail friend slithering over to check her out~ Done by watercolour and the pencil (some watercolour pencil, but I found the straight watercolour was easier to manage). Fun piece to work with. Enjoy!

Friday, 21 April 2017

Walk with the Fox

Ever since I move my new house, there's lots of art supplies that were totally buried in the boxes or so called the "organizer bins" that I don't even know that I bought them before... And the other day, I just realized that I have a big jar of india ink... ^^||| So in order to use it up, I started to ink my little drawings before I colour them... The result is not bad~ More of the anime look now... LOL

This is my latest drawing/painting - Walking with the Fox.

Nice day outside~ Come walk with me under this beautiful red flowery umbrella!

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Fantasy ACEO


 Some recent fantasy theme ACEO paintings~

-- Little Fairy with the Griffin
-- Mermaid with the Harp
-- Enchanter and the Ravens

Fox Ladies

My Foxy Ladies! ACEO Paintings with Fox Theme!

These are all done by traditional media, watercolour and pencil only.

Spring Paintings Alice in Wonderland Theme

Spring ACEO paintings with Alice in Wonderland Theme!
-- Easter Bunny
-- Alice Holding Easter Bunny
-- Mad Hatter's Spring Hat Design
-- Red Queen's Spring Golfing Time

Game Backgrounds

These are the illustrations for Game Background. Trying out for different themes ^_^
All done by Adobe Illustrator Program, vector art.

Staff Profile Caricatures

 This is for a company's website staff profile page. Each staff has it's own caricature drawing shown on it's profile. The project was a ongoing event, a very fun project ^O^ All illustrations were done digitally.


Kangaroo character illustration in 2016~~ Digital vector art done by illustrator program.

Family Painting

This is a project for a family painting. Done by "Painter" program, digital painting from Stretch to Finish.

Logo and Stationary Design

 This is a logo/stationary design for a tech company done in 2016.

Digital Avatar Characters

This is a digital illustration for a couple who wants to create their customized avatar characters.
This is the draft copy.
This is the coloured copy.
And this is the Star War theme copy~ 

Magazine Vector Illustraion

This was a winner for an online magazine contest last year.
The illustration was all done by vector/illustrator.
The theme was about stressed mom versus happy mom!
The illustration process was fun~