Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Gouache and Ink illustration on Farm Houses and Cottages

Recent Gouache and Ink illustration on Farm Houses and Cottages

Acrylic Landscape Paintings

Showing some of the acrylic paintings done earlier =)
Painting with acrylic was a very relaxing experience ^~^

Landscape painting exercises

Showing some bookmark paintings

These are some bookmarks paintings using watercolor gouache. Just love painting bookmarks~~

More Sharpie Maker ACEO Drawings

More ACEO Sharpie Marker Drawings! I love using the markers to draw. The marker won't bleed like Indian ink; and it dries very fast. Only problem is it's a bit smelly... XDDD

Gouache Ink Illustration Demo

I was doing some building background study for the neighborhood area.
This farm market Kernel Simpson's Sweet Corn building is located nearby where I live. Cute building with very interesting Kernel statue =) Cannot help to painting it as my study subject!!

Gouache watercolor and Sharpie ink on watercolor paper
Painting paper size is 6"x 6"